Military jeep

Does conflict lead to demographic change? Do conflict-induced demographic changes further lead to conflict? If so, do these relationships vary by the type of conflict? Focusing on the African context - a region known for high levels of conflict and a distinctive set of demographic dynamics - LCDS researcher Andriano will build an innovative new database.

Dr. Liliana Andriano (pictured) and CO-I Dr. Effrosyni Charitopoulou have been awarded the highly-competitive British Academy and Leverhulme Trust small research grant for a project to build a comprehensive database on conflict that investigates the demographic causes and consequences of conflict in Africa.

The first aim is to examine whether demographic changes associated with the influx of refugee populations lead to conflict outbreak. A second aim is to focus on demographic consequences and explore how conflict impacts women's transitions into union formation.

The researchers will create and use an integrated database of conflict events combining information from key conflict datasets to generate new theoretical and empirical insights. This database will allow researchers to simultaneously consider different types of conflict events. The research contributes to debates on conflict, refugees, and gender equality that fit into the national and global development agendas.

This research is led by LCDS Postdoctoral Researcher Andriano who is developing her independent research agenda on how disruptive events such as climate change, conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic might lead to adverse social and demographic change.

To read more about her research agenda, click here.

Recent publications by Liliana Andriano include:

Andriano, L., Behrman, J.A., & Monden, C.W.S. (2021). Mapping Husbands’ Dominance in Wives’ Health Decision-Making: A Diffusion Perspective in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in Demography.

Andriano, L. & Behrman, J.A. (2020). The Effects of Growing-Season Drought on Young Adult Women’s Life Course Transitions in a Sub-Saharan Context. Population Studies 74(3): 331–350.

Andriano, L. & Monden, C.W.S. (2019). The Causal Effect of Maternal Education on Child Mortality: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Malawi and Uganda. Demography 56(5): 1765–1790.

Dowd, J.B., Andriano, L., Brazel, D.M., Rotondi, V., Block, P., Ding, X., & Mills, M.C. (2020). Reply to Nepomuceno et al: A Renewed Call for Detailed Social and Demographic COVID-19 Data from all Countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(25): 13884–13885.

Dowd, J.B., Andriano, L., Brazel, D.M., Rotondi, V., Block, P., Ding, X., Liu, Y., & Mills, M.C. (2020). Demographic Science Aids in Understanding the Spread and Fatality Rates of COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(18): 9696–9698.

Pesando, L.M. & the GFC team (Castro, A.F., Andriano, L., Behrman, J.A., Billari, F.C., Monden, C., Furstenberg, F.F. & Kohler, H.P.) (2019). Global Family Change: Persistent Diversity with Development. Population & Development Review 45(1): 133–168.

More about the British Academy and Leverhulme Trust Award

By far the British Academy’s most popular scheme in terms of applications received and number of awards made, the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants stand as one of the Academy’s highest profile programmes with awards made to academics working at around 100 Institutions around the UK.

These awards, up to £10,000 in value and tenable for up to 24 months, are provided to cover the cost of the expenses arising from a defined research project.

Funded as a public-private partnership, including BEIS (Discovery)