Harnessing the Potential of Big Data for Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Intimate Partner Violence in Italy
12 January 2021,10-11am UK time
11am to 12noon, CET time
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Talk by: Valentina Rotondi, Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland, Associate Researcher at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science and Nuffield College (University of Oxford)
The issue: Thirty-five per cent of women in world experience Intimate Partner Violence (IVP). Cases have risen dramatically during the pandemic.
The study asks:
- Can online data from Google Trends and Twitter help predict intimate partner violence (IVP) in Italy?
- Is their predictive power weaker or stronger in the aftermath of crises such as COVID-19?
Results suggest: digital data using selected keywords proxying for IPV positively predict actual calls to helplines, with a stronger predictive power in post-crises periods.