Postdoctoral Researcher in the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, ,Dr. Valentina Rotondi, and her colleague, ,Michele Rocca, recently published, “,Bombs and Babies: Exposure to Terrorism and Fertility Choices in Nigeria,” in the Journal of African Economies.
The paper examines the impact of terrorism of Boko Haram on Nigerian household fertility choices. The researchers hypothesized that families would increase the number of children they had as an insurance mechanism against future shocks. Using geolocalised data on the region’s terror attacks, they found that the attacks corresponded with an increase in the number of children per household.
Read the full study:
Valentina Rotondi, Michele Rocca, Bombs and Babies: Exposure to Terrorism and Fertility Choices in Nigeria, Journal of African Economies, 2021;, ejab030, ,