Ridhi Kashyap presenting

Congratulations to the Centre’s Professor Ridhi Kashyap, who has been promoted to full Professor of Demography & Computational Social Science.

Professor Kashyap received the distinction from the University of Oxford. She is a coinvestigator and has been instrumental in the development of the Centre’s Digital and Computational Science programme which she co-leads with Alice Reid, Professor of Demography at the University of Cambridge. Ridhi is also a Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College, a major funder of the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science.

A central interest of Ridhi’s research has been to leverage computational approaches for demographic research within the growing area of Digital and Computational Demography, and forge links between demography and a growing interdisciplinary community of computational social science.

Professor Kashyap’s research spans different areas of demography, including questions linked to mortality and population health, gender inequality, marriage and family, and migration and ethnicity.

Read more about Ridhi's achievements here.