LCDS group shot at PAA 2024

The Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science is excited to be presenting and exhibiting at this year’s European Population Conference in Edinburgh, 12-15 June, with more demographic talks and branded goodies.

Join us for a packed programme of presentations and poster sessions as we continue to disrupt and realign demography to tackle the most challenging demographic and population problems of our time. Take a look at our sessions below. 

You can also find us in the exhibition hall at 40 George Square where you can chat to the team, learn about our different programmes, and win some Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science goodies. 


Thursday 13 June

9:00-10:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
Lecture Theatre B (40 George Square) Melinda Mills 2: Machine Learning Approaches for Population Research Chair
  Jiani Yan   Death Predictions from Social Determinants: Holistically and Precisely with Explainable AI
G.03 (50 George Square) Francesco Rampazzo 9: Innovations with Internet and Consumer Data Exploring Global Family Change through over a Million Family Pictures
G.05 (50 George Square) Jasmin Abdel Ghany 11: Climate Change Impacts in the Global South Climate change and sex ratios at birth
McEwan Hall Main Auditorium  Ridhi Kashyap 13: Flash session Data Infrastructures for Population Research Chair


10:30-11:00 - Coffee break: Visit our stand at 40 George Square


14:00-15:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
Lecture Theatre B (40 George Square) Aashish Gupta 28: Flash session New and Critical Perspectives on Data Collection and Measurement Chair
G.02 (50 George Square) Evelina Akimova 34: Determinants of Depression Changing Polygenic Penetrance on Depression Among Adults in the United Kingdom: The Role of Historical Contexts and Birth Cohorts


15:30-16:00 - Coffee break: Visit our stand at 40 George Square


16:00-17:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
G.06 (50 George Square) Jennifer Dowd 51: Flash session Causes of Death and Multi-morbidity at Death Why Is Life Expectancy in England & Wales Falling Behind? A Decomposition Approach
  Jiaxin Shi   How Change in Age-Specific Mortality Has Affected Us Life Expectancy over the Past 120 Years?
McEwan Hall Main Auditorium  Casey Breen 52: Modelling Subnational and Spatial Variation Mapping Subnational Gender Gaps in Internet and Mobile Adoption Using Social Media Data


18:00-19:30 - Poster session 2: Health, Mortality, Ageing – Aperitivo (McEwan Hall)

Presenter Poster title
Rachel Ganly Understanding Inequalities in Smoking in Pregnancy: Disentangling Maternal Age and Social Disadvantage
Aashish Gupta Maternal mortality disparities in India
Antonino Polizzi Kin Loss Due to Violent Death in Mexico: A Subnational Microsimulation Approach
Andrea Tilstra Marital Separation and Health Behaviors: Differences by Gender and Initiator Status


Friday 14 June

9:00-10:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
Lecture Theatre B (40 George Square) Micol Morellini 54: Flash session International Migration Understanding the Gendered Structure of International Migration Flows
LG.10 (40 George Square) Edith Darin 57: Migrant Conflict Chronicles: Displacement Dynamics and Decision Dilemmas Unraveling the Impact of the 2023 Conflict between Israel and Hamas on Short And Mid-Term Population Internal Displacements in the Middle East
Lecture Theatre C (40 George Square) Joshua Wilde 55: Labour Force Transitions and Life Stages Chair
  Sander Wagner   The Evolution of Motherhood Wage Penalties - A Cross-National Decomposition Exercise


10:30-11:00 - Coffee break: Visit our stand at 40 George Square


12:30-14:00 - Poster session 3: Migration, Economics, Policies, History (McEwan Hall)

Presenter Poster title
Andrea Aparicio Castro Revisiting the Push and Pull Factors Driving Demographic Trends: The Case of Migration between South America and Europe
Prashant Poddar Access to Technology and Secondary Educational Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from India


14:00-15:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
G.05 (50 George Square) Joshua Wilde 81: Human Capital Transmissions Liberian Women Count: Evidence from a Macrosimulation of the Gender Dividend
LG.09 (40 George Square) Xinyi Zhao 112: Flash session Gender, Work and Parenthood Ph.D. Parenthood Dilemma in Academia: Gender Differences in Trajectories of Childbearing and Ph.D. Pursuit among Researchers


15:30-16:00 - Coffee break: Visit our stand at 40 George Square


16:00-17:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
LG.06 (40 George Square) Katarzyna Doniec 87: Mortality Trends and Risk Factors Beyond the Crisis: Mortality Trends in Post-Communist Countries, 1989 – 2019


Saturday 15 June

9:00-10:30 - Sessions

Location Speaker Session Talk title
Lecture Theatre C (40 George Square) Ekaterina Degtiareva 100: Excess Mortality and Life Expectancy Changes during the COVID-19 pandemic Cause-Specific Excess Mortality Patterns in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic
LG.09 (40 George Square) Henrik-Alexander Schubert 104: Fertility and Reproduction: Bringing Men Back In Same but Different? Male-Female Fertility Differences at the Subnational Level over Time and across Countries
G.03 (50 George Square) Ridhi Kashyap 106: The Role of Social Networks and Diffusion in Fertility Social Capital Mediates Knowledge Gaps in Informing Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviours across Africa