The challenges and opportunities of using Twitter data for protest research
In their recently published PLOS One article, researchers Christopher Barrie and Arun Frey investigate the possibility of surveying protests using only Twitter data. Using the case of the 2017 Women’s March in the United States, the research reveals new opportunities and ongoing challenges of using Twitter data for protest research.

Maria Gargiulo and the Human Rights Data Analysis Group Awarded 2021 Rafto Prize
Maria Gargiulo, an MPhil student in Sociology and Demography at Nuffield College, was awarded a prestigious human rights prize as a member of the Human Rights Data Analysis Group, whose motto is, "Statisticians for Human Rights."

Mass shootings sway attitudes towards gun legislation in the United States—among Democratic Voters
New research by LCDS researchers Arun Frey and David S. Kirk suggests that mass shootings in the United States increase support for stricter gun permits, but only among supporters of the Democratic Party. An exception to this occurs with mass shootings that target school facilities, which mobilize broad support for firearm legislation among both Democrats and Republicans.

Facebook data reveals that number of migrants in UK has been underestimated
Studying Facebook has helped to reveal that the number of European migrants in the UK has been underestimated by as much as 25%, according to a paper published today by LCDS researcher Francesco Rampazzo in the journal Demography, together with Jakub Bijak, Agnese Vitali, Ingmar Weber and Emilio Zagheni.