LCDS booth at PAA 2022

Over 20 members of the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science will be presenting at more than 35 sessions at this year’s Population Association of America conference, 12-15 April 2023. Find us at booth 504 and read on to find out all you need to know!

Join us for another packed programme of presentations and poster sessions as we continue to disrupt and realign demography to tackle the most challenging issues of our time. Take a look at the programmes below for an overview of our sessions at PAA 2023.

You can also find us at booth 504 where you can chat to the team, learn about our different programmes, and get your hands on some Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science goodies – including some snazzy temporary tattoos!

Watch this space, more info to follow shortly. See you there 😎


LCDS at PAA 2023 daily programmes

Please click on the links below to access our programme for each day.

Thursday 13 April

Our researchers will open PAA 2023 with presentations on a variety of different topics including forced migration, COVID-19, fertility, and education. There will also be poster sessions on our recent mortality and morbidity papers, migration, spatial demography, and our recent study on the eveningness chronotype. Our programme for Thursday 13 April can also be found here.


Friday 14 April

Our researchers will present on a variety of different topics including COVID-19, mortality and morbidity, and network methods. There will also be poster sessions on spousal violence in India, online dating applications, and labour market consequences of motherhood. Our programme for Friday 14 April can also be found here.


Saturday 15 April

Our researchers will conclude PAA 2023 with talks on using phone surveys to measure mortality in India, the effect of the 1918 pandemic on the baby boom, and educational hypergamy across Latin America. Our programme for Saturday 15 April can also be found here.